Home 9 Layout


Layout – a graphic design for a traditional or electronic publication. It is a pattern, template and permanent composition layout of a publication page. It consists of a few basic elements, which include the division of the text into headings, sections or columns, paragraphs and margins. The layout also consists of typeface, interline size and graphic details, as well as the overall color scheme, graphics and images, and footer. Equally important are headlines, logos, and slogans. A properly composed layout should be characterized by a specific graphic convention, considering the appropriate combination of colors and shapes and the correct arrangement of the elements included in its composition. In the case of website layouts, it is important to juxtapose attractive design with the usability of the site. Usually, vector or raster graphics are prepared in a format containing layers. The design should be adapted to both desktop and mobile formats and should take into account UI, which is the user interface, i.e., the attractive appearance of the site, and UX, which is the user experience – the design must take into account functionality, so that the user easily gets exactly where we want to direct him on the site.

All phrases in the eCommerce dictionary: Abandoned cart | Anchor Text | APIAudit UX | AuthInfo | AffiliationAffiliate marketing | B2B | B2C | Black Hat SEO | Bounce Rate | BreadcrumbsBrand | back-end | branding | Cross-Selling | Cache | Copywriting | CPC (Cost Per Click) | CAC | CRM | CTA (Call to Action) | CTR (Click Through Rate) | CPA | CLV | CSV | Crawl budget | Case Study | Content | CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) | Conversion Rate | Domain | DNS | Double opt-in | Dropshipping | Duplicate content | Dynamic remarketing | e-Commerce | Expiring domain | ERP | FAQ | FRONT-END | Framework | Favicon | Fanpage | Frame | Google Ads | Google Analytics | Google My Business | Google Search Console | Google Trends | Hashtag | HTML | HTTP | Heatmap | Hosting | Indexing page | Influencer | JavaScript | ConversionKeyword | KPI (key performance indicator) | KSI (key success indicator)Landing page | Lead magnet | Sales Funnel | Link | Link building | Layout | Lead | Marketplace | Marketing Strategy Marketing Automation | m-Commerce | Multichannel | H headers | Networking | Newsletter | Omnichannel | Open SourceOrganic results | Organic traffic | Online payment system | Off-Site SEO | On-Site SEO | Page SpeedPage 404 | Pagination | PPC (Pay Per Click) | PPL (Pay Per Lead) | PPS (Pay Per Sale) | PLA (Product Listing Ads) | POP-UP | Redirect 301 | PWA (Progressive Web App) | POS (Point-Of-Sale)  | Proxy | Rebranding | Remarketing | ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend) | Robots.txt | ROI | RSS feed | RWD (responsive web design) | Scrum | SEM (Search Engine Marketing) | SEO (Search Engine Optimization)SEO back-end | SERP | SEO Audit | SPAM | SSL  | SXO (Search Experience Optimization)SaaS (software as a service) | Session | SKU | SXO | A/B Testing | Tagging | Thin content | Trust rank | Targeting | TL;DR | Up-Selling | URL | UX | UI | Usability | Vlog | Watermark | Webinar | WooCommerceWMS | XML