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A glossary of eCommerce terms


A/B testing – one of the easiest and most popular ways to optimize conversions on a website.

Abandoned cart a term used in eCommerce to describe the practice where a visitor to a store’s website adds products to a shopping cart and then leaves the store before completing the purchase process.

Affiliate marketing – an advertising model.

Anchor Text – Anchor Text – freely translated – anchored text.

API – Application Programming Interface

Audit UX – Usability & User experience Audit

AuthInfo – Also known as EPP (Extensible Provisioning Protocol) code.

Affiliation – Performance marketing strategy for lead generation


B2B – stands for: business-to-business.

B2C – stands for: business-to-customer.

Black Hat SEO – actions based on methods of positioning sites.

Bounce Rate – one of the parameters showing how engaging the site’s content is.

Brand – a verbal or graphic way of designating a product, or service.

Breadcrumbs – the navigation technique that most often appears at the top of the page.

back-end – content located on the server that the user does not have direct access to.

branding – a process of building brand awareness.


Cross-selling – a strategy that involves selling extra products or services.

Cache – one of the essential parts of computer systems equipment.

Conersion – in online marketing, the term refers to the goals achieved with websites.

Conversion rate – A value expressed as a percentage, indicating the proportion of people performing the desired action.

Copywriting – creating unique texts for marketing and advertising.

CPC (Cost Per Click) – cost-per-click on an advertisement refers to the actual price.

CAC – Customer Acquisition Cost.

CRM – Customer Relationship Management.

CTA (Call to Action) – a phrase that urges the recipient to perform a specific action

CTR (Click Through Rate) – a rate that determines how often users click on an ad or free product information.

CPA – Cost Per Action.

CLV – Customer Lifetime Value.

CSV – Comma Separated Values.

Crawl budget – the specified frequency with which search engine crawlers and bots can index a site

Case study – is a presentation of a specific project that ended successfully.

Content – a term closely related to marketing, where it is the basis of the strategy in the process of acquiring customers by presenting substantive content.

CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) – a set of actions aimed at increasing the conversion rate.


Domain – a name that contains the address of a website.

DNS – Domain Name System.

Double opt-in – a type of email subscriptions.

Dropshipping – logistics model used in online sales

Duplicate content – duplication of content published on websites


ECommerce – an electronic commerce.

Expiring domain – is a domain whose holder has not renewed the order, so it remains without an owner.

ERP – Enterprise Resources Planning.

E-STORE – an online store


FAQ – Frequently Asked Question.

FRONT-END – the part of a website or app used to interact with the user.

Framework – a software platform.

Favicon – a small icon that identifies a website.

Fanpage – a type of site on Facebook.

Frame – HTML tags that allow other pages to be loaded into a page in an HTML document.


Google Ads –  Google’s advertising system.

Google Analytics – an analytical tool provided by Google.

Google My Business – a tool for creating an online profile of a company.

Google Search Console – Google’s free tool that makes it easier to optimize sites.

Google Trends – a tool that allows you to determine how often a particular keyword, topic, or phrase has been searched for over a certain period.


Hashtag – słowo lub wyrażenie poprzedzone symbolem #.

HTML – Hypertext Markup Language.

HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

Heatmap –  a data analysis tool that graphically represents how visitors to a site behave.

Hosting – is both the server’s act of providing a user with a specific space and the service/product.


Influencer – a person who, due to his personality, recognition, knowledge and position in the industry, can influence the decisions of his audience.


JavaScript – a programming language that allows you to implement complex elements on a web page.


KPI (key performance indicator) – stands for: key performance indicators.

KSI (key success indicator) – key success indicators.

Keyword– an element that has an important role in SEO, since through it you can easily reach the customer.


Landing page – a page displayed to the recipient after clicking on an advertisement,

Lead magnet – It means a free gift that the recipient receives in exchange for providing contact information.

Sales funnel – refers to the buying process through which companies take their leads.

Link – also: hyperlink

Link building – a set of activities designed to increase the number of inbound links to a site.

Layout – a graphic design for a traditional or electronic publication.

Lead – a person or entity who is potentially interested in a company’s offer.


Marketplace – a type of eCommerce platform.

Marketing Automation – a process involving using software to streamline data processing and bid preparation.

Marketing strategy– an overall plan that includes a competitive analysis, the company’s potential, business model, action plan, communication style and the way the company wants to differentiate itself in the market.

m-Commerce – mobile commerce.

Multichannel – multichannel tasks, working independently on different fronts to reach as many customers as possible.


H headers– Headers, or more precisely, header tags that appear in the content of pages.

Networking – a process of creating and leveraging personal relationships for the purpose of business development.

Newsletter – literally translated, it is a “news letter”.


Omnichannel – a strategy also referred to as omni-channel selling.

Open Source – open-source software is software whose license allows legal and free copying.

Off-Site SEO – brand interest amplification, i.e., all activities undertaken to increase brand awareness that take place off-site.

On-Site SEO – all the activities that are part of SEO and take place on the website.

Online payment system – a system provided to a company to accept payments from customers.

Organic results – web browser search results that come in the form of free links to web sites.

Organic traffic – website traffic associated with users arriving at the site via search results displayed by search engines, which at the same time are not marked as advertising.


Page Speed – web page loading speed.

Pagination– dividing content into parts and placing them on separate subpages of the website.

404 page– a page template displayed to users after a 404 error.

Page indexing – the process of adding a site to Google’s search engine.

PPC (Pay Per Click) – stands for: Pay Per Click, a business model of billing for advertising on the Internet.

PPL (Pay Per Lead) – an indicator that measures the cost of generating a lead from the advertiser’s perspective.

PPS (Pay Per Sale) – a method of settlement of online advertising, where the advertiser bears the cost of advertising depending on the sales generated.

PLA (Product Listing Ads) – one of the advertising formats used by Google.

POP-UP – open windows that appear on a website, containing a specific message.

PWA (Progressive Web App) – a web app written in HTML + JS + CSS.

POS (Point-Of-Sale) –  type of advertising materials that support the sale of products.

Proxy – an intermediate server.


Rebranding – a modification of selected or all brand components

Remarketing – a type of campaign run within Google AdWords.

Remarketing dynamiczny – remarketing option available in Google AdWords.

Redirect 301 – a way of redirecting users from a website address to another address.

ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend) – a return on advertising expenditures.

Robots.txt – one of the mechanisms of the Robots Exclusion Protocol.

ROI – a return on investment.

RSS feed – loosely translated as receiving information simply.

RWD (responsive web design) – is a way of designing versatile websites that properly adapt to the browser window size


Scrum – a behavior frame that eases team collaboration which is heuristic.

SEM (Search Engine Marketing) – defined as search engine marketing is a marketing mechanism based on the position of a website or page in search engine results.

SEO – so-called website positioning – is the optimization of a website for search engines.

SERP – (Search Engine Results Page) – a website that displays search engine results for keywords typed in.

SPAM – unrequested messages sent at once to multiple recipients who have not consented to receive them.

SSL – an encryption protocol used for the secure transfer of information on the Internet.

SXO (Search Experience Optimization) – user experience optimization, which is a set of techniques aimed at ensuring the highest possible conversion by adapting the site to the expectations and needs of a wide range of Internet users.

Session– set of user interactions occurring on a website at a particular time.

SaaS (software as a service) – a cloud-based software provisioning model in which the cloud provider develops and maintains cloud apps.

SEO audit – Search engine optimization audit.

SEO back-end – a set of websites created for positioning specific pages of high content quality.

SKU – a unique sequence of alphanumeric characters used by companies to identify and track storage units, i.e., products.

SXO – user experience optimization.


Tagging – a way of marking content and assigning it to a certain group or tagging another user in a post on Social Media.

Tracking code – a piece of JavaScript code.

Thin content – ow-quality, poor content that is short and often contains factual and syntactical errors, making it of no value to the user.

Trust rank – an algorithm that performs link analysis to separate useful websites from spam.

Targeting – a process based on the selection of consumers by advertisers to determine the target audience that is most interested in the advertised products.

TL;DR – stands for: “too long, didn’t read”.


up selling – a sales technique based on presenting the customer with a product of a higher standard and greater functionality than the one in which they are currently interested.

URL – a specific addressing format on the Internet. The most common URL is used to specify web pages.

UX – the total of experiences a user has when using certain products. The term is most often applied in the context of software, websites and electronic devices.

UI – all elements of an application or website that allow interaction between the user and the system.

Usability – specifies functionality and intuitiveness, i.e., ease of use of the website.


Vlog – a type of weblog based on video footage.


Watermark – a logo or piece of text superimposed on a document or image to protect copyright.

Webinar – a combination of the English words web and seminar.

WooCommerce – a WordPress plug-in that adds functionality to an online store.

WMS – a software for managing the flow of goods in a warehouse.


XML – a data storage specification, a text format that allows data to be stored in a form that is easy to read by both humans and machines.


Are you starting your adventure with eCommerce, do you want to systematize your knowledge or expand the scope of information by familiarizing yourself with the industry language? The prepared eCommerce dictionary will help you with this, explaining the most important issues in the field of e-commerce.


Glossary of eCommerce – useful phrases


Electronic commerce, or eCommerce, is a constantly developing industry with a wide spectrum. Although it oscillates around e-commerce, it is not limited to the sales process itself. ECommerce also includes activities in the field of positioning, programming and marketing. The dictionary contains useful terms and definitions that you need to know if you want to be active in eCommerce.


Glossary of eCommerce – common terms


The prepared dictionary takes into account the most important definitions in the field of eCommerce, covering both general issues and more detailed, typical for specific categories of activities. On its pages you can find concepts related to eCommerce technology, analytics, eCommerce management, and law. The most important issues regarding eCommerce marketing – in terms of positioning, content and advertising – were also taken into account. In the eCommerce dictionary, there is also an explanation for such issues as SEO audit, bounce rate, cross-selling, CRM, front-end, conversion, affiliate marketing, open source, ROI, scrum, or XML.