Home 9 eCommerce project management 9 Scrum in IT – Scrum process – 02

Scrum in IT – Scrum process – 02

by | 4 October 2021 | eCommerce project management | 0 comments

Scrum process is the second in a series of articles on scrum in IT. As I mentioned in my first article, which you can find here. Scrum is an iterative and incremental management methodology. Iterations are individual sprints lasting from 1 to 6 weeks depending on the project. (For small and medium projects these are usually 2 weeks). On the other hand, individual increments are defined as releases, i.e. the release of certain elements in the project. A scrum team should consist of no more than 9 people. In the case of a team of several dozen people, e.g. 50, people should be divided into smaller self-organising units / teams. 


Scrum mileage – Sprint in Scrum as a part of scrum process


It is the basic unit of time in which a ready package of solutions is delivered, tested and verifiable by the product owner (Product Owner). The sprint should not be shorter than a week or longer than a month. The length of the sprint itself depends on:


  • Customer availability
  • Team size
  • Specifics of tasks (some tasks cannot be divided into smaller ones)
  • The team’s experience in running projects according to SCRUM


What is DoD – Definition Of Done?


It marks the point at which we recognise that the User Story has been realised. Acceptance criteria have been met and business value has been achieved. The Definition of done is defined by the organisation and should result from a previously prepared procedure.


For example, by a senior developer, software architect or department management. The Definition of Done should consider the customer’s business requirements first.


Essential tools for planning a sprint


Sprint Backlog


The main tool for planning a sprint is a set of User Stories selected by the team to be implemented in a given sprint. The backlog tells you what the team is doing during the sprint. It allows you to track the progress of the work.


Planning Poker


A technique for estimating the length of time consuming user history similar to the game of poker. Each programmer plays a card that represents his respect. If there are discrepancies – they are discussed until consensus is reached.


Team velocity


Team capacity is the amount of work a team can do during a sprint. A frequently taken over unit for a standard working day is 6 manh / day.




It is an estimated number of hours to complete a given task.


Sprint planning (Planning)


The purpose of a sprint is to define the tasks to be completed within a certain timeframe. This includes identifying the project elements that are to be completed DoD (Definition of Done). In the case of e-commerce development, these may be website elements (header, footer, cart, slider or home page). The Product Owner together with the team members first select the functionalities that should be completed in a given sprint. The Product Owner’s role during a sprint is to define the priorities for the sprint from a business or customer point of view.


Starting a Sprint (Mileage)


The sprint starts after planning, which should not last more than 4 hours for a 2-week sprint. The next stage is daily stand-up, lasting around 15 minutes while standing. At that time, all team members talk about the course of the project, its problems or challenges. During the stand-up, each of the three members tries to answer 3 main questions:


  • What have you done?
  • What are you planning to do?
  • What are your locks?


Sprint Summary


The next step is to summarise the sprint, which is to present a real, working product to the customer. The team presents the completed modules or functionalities. On the other hand, the works not accepted by the client are returned to the backlog. After presenting the solutions for the client, the team goes to a retrospective.


Sprint Retrospective last part of scrum process


Retrospective It is an honest evaluation of the work during the sprint, It answers the following questions: What went wrong? What went right? The Product Owner Scrum Master and The Team participate in it, it should not last longer than an hour with a 2-week sprint. In the case of a Scrum retrospective, it is all about drawing conclusions. The retrospective is an opportunity for the team to explore its activities and create a plan for change and development that will be implemented in the next Sprint.


The whole team analyzes the path it has taken, summarizing what was good and what is worth implementing in the next Sprints, as well as what went wrong and what is worth avoiding in the future. Each team working in Scrum strives to look for improvements, hence retrospectives are planned that clearly show how the work has been going and which elements of it need improvement.


Summary of scrum process


The most important elements in the course of scrum are planning, daily daily (stand-up), sprint summary and retrospective. It is worth remembering that the team should be self-organizing and that each member should be treated equally (not divided into better or worse persons).

Grzegorz Sękowski
Grzegorz Sękowski

eCommerce Manager at Paul Rich – multimillion jewellery premium watch brand. Shopify & Shopify PLUS consultant, blogger and ex-founder of napnell.pl

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